Our Muslim Friends and Neighbors
These are times of great unease for many in our nation. Those whom scripture calls upon us to welcome and to cherish currently are being treated by many with suspicion and derision. This is why our community felt it was important to respond positively when a few of our Muslim neighbors working in the surrounding office buildings approached us asking for assistance. They inquired if it would be possible to use our sanctuary as a place for prayer every day at noon during the work week. Following Jesus’ teachings of radical hospitality in Matthew 25 and remembering Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan and how Jesus related to people of different faiths such as the Roman centurion and the Canaanite woman seeking healing, and the Samaritan woman at the well, we welcomed this opportunity. Our Muslim neighbors now use our chapel for prayer at one o’clock Monday through Thursday. Our two faith communities also have shared meals and conversations about our faith experiences. Our new friends have given us a very generous donation toward the renovation of our facilities. We are continuing to look for other ways to strengthen our understanding, relationship, and mutual support for one another.